
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 7th June 2024

tiptap.chat is currently in early beta.

We value your trust and are committed to protecting your privacy. Below is our privacy policy in plain language so you can understand how we handle your data when you use our service.

1. Storage Duration:

  • User conversations may be stored in logs for up to 24h, unless the user chooses to email you their conversation in which case the data is under your guardianship and responsibility.
  • Metadata about their content, such as message length, conversation time, content classification, and other data used for analytics, may be stored up to 30 days in order to present to you in the dashboard.

2. Development Phase:

  • Please note that we're in the early phase of our development. While we strive to offer the best service, there may be occasional hiccups to the service. We appreciate your understanding.

3. Data Handling with AI Partners:

  • Any messages you send to a 'tiptap.chat' chatbot is relayed to ChatGPT by OpenAI [privacy policy], TogetherAI [privacy policy], AnyScale [privacy policy], or Perplexity [privacy policy]. These are all used for their LLM technology to enable human-like conversation and AI-like intuition. As a result, any content you send is subject to their privacy policies.
  • We only use providers who assure us that you and your user's data will be kept private and not be used to train or adjust their underlying AI/LLM models.

4. Cautionary Advice:

  • tiptap.chat is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the factual truth or safety of any content it outputs, but there are protections built in that should protect users from receiving any illegal or unscrupulous material.

5. Further Developments:

  • We are always working to improve and offer more features. While these are in development, the same privacy commitments will be upheld.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or our data practices, please ask the chatbot to send a message to us:

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

We may update our privacy policy occasionally. When we make changes, we'll update the "Effective Date" at the beginning of the privacy policy, and we'll notify you by email or through a notice on our platform (our website).

Thank you for reading the privacy policy.